Poundstock and coronavirus – Let’s help each other

Normal life has just been cancelled. Many of our parishioners are self-isolating and wondering how on earth to manage during the next few months in this strange new world. Others are wondering whether there’s anything they can do to help.

Do you need help with shopping or caring for a pet? Are you feeling cut off or lonely, or would you simply enjoy having a chat after hours of your own company?

Could you perhaps offer to do some shopping, walk someone’s dog, pick up a prescription or just have a friendly chat on the phone with someone who’s feeling isolated?

Contact the Packet. We’ll act as a hub for offers of and requests for help. If you send us your phone number and/or email address, we’ll do our best to put people in touch with each other.

Ring Liz Jones on 01288 361147 or email the Packet at poundstockpacket@gmail.com.

Or you can contact the Parish Council chairman, Steve Pawley, on 01840 230697 or steve.pawley@poundstock-pc.gov.uk.

Tell us what you are offering or what you need and we’ll try to pair people up. We won’t give out your details without your specific permission and we’ll get in touch with you to ask for this before linking you with anyone.

Please note that of course we aren’t able to offer medical help. We won’t do anything that puts anyone at risk, but we will do whatever we safely can to help make life a little easier for those who are self-isolating, particularly the most vulnerable.

If you’re well and not in an at-risk category, help us if you can.

If you’re having to keep apart, never feel isolated: we are all here for each other. And never be embarrassed to ask for help.

Normal life may be cancelled. But this is Poundstock!

We have so much. Let’s make the most of what we’ve got.